Today’s candidate in the ongoing Worst Captcha Ever Contest.
This is screenshotted as-is without any editing whatsoever.

On the subject of annoying iOS bugs…

I found and reported a bug in Apple’s new “Quartiles” game:
- Tap “ab cd ef”.
- Click the checkmark. The tiles at the top turn red because it’s a bad guess.
- Quickly tap “ab”.
- “ef” will be selected.
Not a world-ender yet still so annoying.
Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump’s sons react to guilty verdict in hush money trial - ABC News:…
“The Democrats have succeeded in their years-long attempt to turn America into a third-world shithole,” Trump Jr. said in a statement to ABC News.
We’ve got our problems, but I like America. “If you hate it here so much, leave.” Isn’t that what I always hear from that contingent?
(Trump Sr. can’t, of course.)
I just got a notification that “Silent Hill 2” for PS5 is available for pre-order now.
I don’t do pre-orders on general principles, but if I were to cheat, this would be the temptation that broke me.
North Korean trash balloons are dumping ‘filth’ on South Korea | CNN:
North Korea has adopted a new strategy to contend with its southern neighbor: sending floating bags of trash containing “filth” across the border, carried by massive balloons.
Kim Jong-Number-One read “Infinite Jest” and wanted in on that action.
Gigi got a haircut.

So many memorials today. Dad, Laurie, too many friends. I love you all and miss you dearly.
We’re watching “Blade Runner 2049” and it’s off-puttingly unrealistic. They’d never issue that many building permits in California.
St. Louis ribs, cooked for 20 minutes in an Instant Pot then basted and baked for 10 minutes.

The cats are making an 80s alt rock album cover.

Little Snitch 6 came out yesterday with many quality of life improvements.
It’s always the first app I install on a new Mac. New versions are no-brainer upgrades for me. I still wish it had a way to sync rulesets between Macs so that I don’t have to train each one independently.
There’s a certain Apple ecosystem notetaking app I heard of from a paid blog post. I downloaded it; it was fine, but not my thing. Today I saw there’s a new version with a new name, and still very few App Store reviews. I googled for it and saw they issued a press release for the renaming.
I’m kinda curious how their focus on PR will work out. Will it keep it on people’s minds until they buy it? It’s not a small-app strategy I recall seeing before.
Adding AI the right way
Three of my favorite tools, BBEdit, Drafts, and iTerm, have added support for ChatGPT-style AI interactions. They’ve each done it in ways that respect me and my wishes. Their AI add-ons are standalone features off to the side. If I want to use the features, they’re there. If I don’t want to, I don’t launch them. None of my existing workflows have changed one iota: the AI is an addition, not a change.
This is how all tools should add AI features. I enjoy experimenting with AI tools to check out the current state of things. I’m not allergic to them and I don’t try to avoid them. It’s more that I have no interest in building my daily processes to depend on having them.
In which I try frying turnips for the first time.

I seriously love Oakland. It’s my kinda grimy.

I set my pillows on the floor to make the bed. Keeva had burrowed in by the time I got back around to that side. I didn’t have the heart to move her. Within moments she was snoring away.
I am not exaggerating this:
I created a new hostname in DNS, then added it to my existing webserver config.
It was online for 3 seconds – 3! – before getting a 404 request for /.git/config
If you’re relying on obscurity to protect your services, get that right out your fool head today. You have about 3 seconds to get your act together.
In the time it took me to type this, I got another 62 requests:
30 "/"
3 "/.git/config"
2 "/.vscode/sftp.json"
2 "/v2/_catalog"
2 "/telescope/requests"
2 "/server-status"
2 "/server"
2 "/s/431323e2230323e2134323e2239313/_/;/META-INF/maven/com.atlassian.jira/jira-webapp-dist/"
2 "/?rest_route=/wp/v2/users/"
2 "/login.action"
2 "/.env"
2 "/ecp/Current/exporttool/"
2 "/.DS_Store"
2 "/debug/default/view?panel=config"
2 "/config.json"
2 "/_all_dbs"
2 "/about"
Justice Department takes 'major step' toward rescheduling marijuana:
The Justice Department took a significant step toward rescheduling marijuana Thursday, formalizing its process to reclassify the drug as lower-risk and remove it from a category in which it has been treated as more dangerous than fentanyl and meth.[...]
“Look folks, no one should be in jail for merely using or possessing marijuana. Period,” Biden said in Thursday’s video, his third time speaking extensively on the topic since his directive two years ago.
At last. Let’s put an end to this nonsense.
I have an IKEA Dirigera hub connected to my HomeKit setup. I also have a bunch of Nanoleaf Matter A19 bulbs in my house. I bought a new $8 IKEA Vallhorn motion sensor, paired it with the Dirigera, then set up a HomeKit automation to control my living room lights. It worked right on the first try. Yay, compatibility!