
    Yam No More

    Back in my Amiga-using days, I had an email program called YAM. It was excellent and ubiquitous; almost everyone used it. It had three unique features:

    • You could configure it to embed small bits of personal information in outgoing emails, such as your birthday.
    • When it saw these bits in email that other people sent to you, it could add the information to your address book.
    • It had an option to automatically send a “happy birthday” email to everyone in your address book on their birthday.

    I was active on a lot of mailing lists, so my address book was pretty full with people I’d hardly met. I sent them happy birthday emails each year, and on my birthday, it was fun to get flooded with a few hundred little messages from well-wishers I didn’t know except maybe from some obscure discussion group.

    I had the sad realization a few days ago that for the first time ever since I started using YAM, I didn’t receive a single email from it this year. Not one of my old friends still does this. While it’s not very big in the scheme of this, it still marks the sad end to a happy era.

    Becoming Unrooted

    So, I forgot my root password. For non-technical types, that’s pretty much the key to the kingdom when you need to get full access to a computer, or install new software, or to make backups, or to fix something in an emergency. I use this little program called “sudo” all the time that lets you do most of the same things except with your own password. I guess it’d been so long since I’d actually needed that root password that it just slipped my mind. Still, I felt pretty dumb and resigned myself to coming up with a new one and resetting it on all the computers I use.

    So, this morning something came up where I really needed that password, and without thinking I picked up a keyboard and mashed it out. It worked. “Oh joy,” I though. “I’ll just do it again and pay attention to what I’m typing.” Except that try as I might, I just can’t type that password if I’m consciously thinking about it.

    This has not improved my outlook on an upcoming birthday in the slightest.


    In our household, a baby just ain’t a baby without an appropriately geeky birth announcement. And since Nick is mostly functional — I mean, he can’t exactly type yet — this one is in Lisp. Share and enjoy!

    ; This program forks().  That should be plenty for a few years' entertainment
    ; Copyright (C) 2007 Kirk & Jennifer Strauser
    ; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    ; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    ; (at your option) any later version.
    ; However, the output of this particular instance shall remain
    ; exclusively licensed to the authors for a period of up to eighteen
    ; years.
    ; $Id: baby.lisp 4 2007-09-05 23:18:12Z kirk $
    (require :sb-posix)
    (defvar *birthtime* (encode-universal-time 0 20 1 1 9 2007))
    (defvar *age* (- (get-universal-time) *birthtime*))
    (defun hello ()
      (format t "Hello, world!  My name is Nicholas Arthur Strauser and this is ~
    my ~:r day!~%" (ceiling (/ *age* 86400))))
    (defun labor ()
       ((zerop (sb-posix:fork)) (format t "Ouch!~%"))
       (t (hello))))
    (defun wait ()
       ((< *age* 0)
        (sleep (- *age*))
        (setf *age* 0)
       (t (hello))))

    Negotiations With Western Digital

    We bought a Western Digital external hard drive for Jen’s computer while we were in Omaha. I hooked it up when we got home and it was dead on arrival. I called for an RMA (“return material authorization” — basically permission to return it to the manufacturer) and got the replacement a few days later. Unfortunately, they didn’t include a pre-paid shipping label to return the defective part, and the customer service guy wasn’t too keen on giving me one. I wasn’t asking for anything unreasonable or that they just justifiably deny, and here’s how I got one anyway:

    CS guy: It’s not our policy to give out shipping labels. It’s the customer’s responsibility to pay for shipping.

    Me: It’s not this customer’s policy to pay for shipping products that were dead on arrival.

    CS guy: I see your point, but that’s not something we normally do.

    Me: OK, but I’d sure appreciate it. I mean, I did you a favor by calling you instead of returning this to the store. I didn’t know I’d have to pay for it.

    CS guy: Well, we don’t do a very good job of telling you that on our website. I can ask my supervisor, but I don’t think he’ll do it.

    Me: I’ll hold.

    [5 minutes go by]

    CS guy: Sir, this isn’t something we do, but since these are special circumstances, we’ll do it just this one time. You’ll get it within a week.

    Me: Thanks! Oh, and can you extend my deadline for returning the broken one by a few days since I don’t have the shipping label yet?

    CS guy: (sighs) Yeah, OK. You can have an extra 10 days.

    Note two important things: first, I was polite; second, I was assertive. Failure on either of those would have wrecked the whole deal.

    Electronic Survival Kit

    So, you’ve made a survival kit to keep you alive until the good guys come to rescue you. Well, now you’re starting life over in a new place. These are some of the things you might want to bring along.


    How To Carry It


    Our primary goal is to make our data as easy to access as possible. This is critically important when you don’t know what kind of machine you may have to use to access your data. You might have a beautiful Mac or Unix workstation at home, but if you were at home and could use your computer, then the rest of this would be pointless. Regardless of what you normally use, expect to be using a Windows box to access it.

    First, I highly recommend that you combine your files into a single Zip file. That’s because it’s much easier to manage one file than 100.

    Second, and this is critically important, use an encryption program to put as password on the zip file! You’re going to be putting a lot of sensitive information in there, so don’t leave it out for any twit to find if you misplace your copy. I highly, highly recommend GNU Privacy Guard, or GPG. A package of it for Windows is available from Under no circumstances should you trust the lame “encryption” (bah!) that comes with some storage media like USB keychain drives, or such as is built into WinZip. I mean it! Use a stand-alone encryption program.

    Don’t forget to put a copy of the installer on your backup media so that you’ll be able to unlock your data when you need it!

    Third — and this is very important — create the zip file on your computer’s hard drive, then encrypt it, and finally move the encrypted file onto your backup media. You should never copy the unencrypted data onto that media! Even if you delete it afterward, it may be possible to recover the information.

    By the same token, don’t decrypt the zipfile onto your backup media. Copy it onto the hard drive of the computer you’re using to access it, then decrypt it and unzip it from there. Of course, if you’re using a very public computer such as a rental at an Internet cafe, then that may actually be the worse option. Trust your own judgment, and let rampant paranoia be your guide.


    A floppy ain’t gonna cut it. Your encrypted zipfile will probably be much larger than will fit on a floppy disk, unless your life is so simple that this is just an academic exercise. Your four main options, in the order I’d recommend them, are:

    1. USB “keychain” drive
      • Pros: they’re durable and can be reused thousands of times. They’re also much smaller than a CD-R.
      • Cons: fewer computers have USB slots than CD-ROM drives, although that’s changing as old machines are replaced — almost all new computers have them.
    2. CD-R
      • Pros: blank CD-Rs are cheap, most people have a CD burner (so you probably already have the equipment to make one), and almost every computer has a CD-ROM device to read it. Also, CD-Rs can hold a relatively huge amount of data for pennies.
      • Cons: every time you update your data, you have to throw away the old copy or risk packing away the wrong one. CD-Rs are relatively fragile; one fat scratch and your data is lost.
    3. DVD-R
      • Same pros and cons as CD-R, except they hold much more data but are not as widely available as USB slots.
    4. Free webmail account (Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, Hotmail, etc.)
      • Pros: access your data from any computer with Internet access. No physical media to lose or destroy.
      • Cons: it can take a long time to store or retrieve your data. Not every computer has Internet access. Your files may be larger than your webmail account can hold. If your webmail company is also destroyed in the disaster, you’re out of luck.

    Remember, don’t forget to store a copy of the encryption program you’re using along with the encrypted data itself! Although you can always download another copy off the Internet, that may be inconvenient (especially if you don’t remember what it’s called because you just watched your house burn down and you’re under extreme duress).

    Also, nothing says you can’t use more than one option. Just don’t forget to update all of them whenever you add more information.

    Whichever you choose, it’s not a bad idea to store any physical media with your regular survival kit. If disaster strikes, you’re more likely to remember to grab your knife and matches than a CD-R or keychain drive.

    The List

    Store small amounts of information in a text file using an editor like Notepad (on Windows). Do not store it in a Word document! Believe it or not, many computers don’t have an office suite installed on them, and you’d be seriously limiting your access options at a time when you can least afford it.

    When scanning documents, set the resolution to at least 125DPI (200 is preferable); greyscale (instead of color) is fine and will use less space). Use at least 300 for photos. Don’t just blindly turn your scanner to its highest setting, though, or you’ll never get all of your documents to fit onto your media.

    • Employment
      • Current resume
      • Examples of your work
      • High school and/or college diplomas
      • Letters of recommendation
      • References
    • Financial
      • Bank/investment accounts
      • Credit card numbers and expiration dates
      • Loan accounts
      • Insurance policy numbers
      • Contact numbers for all of the companies above!
    • Identification
      • Baptism/dedication certificates
      • Birth certificates
      • Driver’s license
      • Family photos (also important for morale!)
      • Fingerprints
      • Marriage certificate
      • Passport
      • Tax returns
      • Voice recordings
    • Medical
      • Dental records
      • Disease records
      • Immunization records
      • X-rays
    • Property
      • Deeds and titles
      • Wills
    • Contact information for lots of friends and relatives, preferably spread over a large geographical area so that they’re not all affected by the same disaster you’re fleeing


    That list is pretty long and odds are you’ll never need it. However, if you do, won’t you wish you’d taken the time to get all this information together? Once you’ve managed to gather it, maintenance should be a snap — just make a new zip archive, encrypt it, and replace your old copy with the new one.

    Just remember the basics:

    • Pick one or two of the most durable media that can hold all of your information.
    • Don’t trust the built in Zip encryption.
    • Don’t trust the built-in USB keychain drive encryption.
    • Don’t ever put your unencrypted data onto your backup media unless you have to.
    • Include an (unencrypted) copy of your encryption program’s installer, or a standalone version that can be run directly from your storage media.
    • Also include a copy of WinZip or another file extraction utility. Older versions of Windows don’t have that functionality built in.
    • Keep current!

    If you do happen to be affected by a local disaster, this information could be incredibly useful. Think about how impressed an interviewer would be to find out that you brought your resume and work samples with you. Imagine how glad the police would be to get a high-quality picture of missing family members. You buy insurance for your house and cars, right? Think of this as cheap insurance for your way of life.

    The Amiga Alternative Audio Page

    Note: This is an exact snapshot of the page as it was last modified by CISC back in 2002. I hadn’t bothered importing the page into the new site until I saw a gazillion 404 errors in the logs. Y’all really want your Amiga MP3 encoders, don’t you? That’s OK. I’ll keep the lights on for my friends on their wonderful older systems.

    This is the new combined RealAudio-and-Lame home page. Much of the information was redundant, so this made a lot more sense.

    Updated! (14.08.2002)

    This time we have yet another newcomer .. Ogg Vorbis, the audio codec that will conquer the world (“What are we going to do tonight Brain? The same thing we do every night Pinky .. Conquer The World!”)…

    Ahwell, maybe, maybe not, time will tell .. in the meantime you can atleast play around abit with it yourself … Enjoy…

    Ogg Vorbis is quite a resource hog though, so only 060 (barely usable on my 060/50) and MorphOS binaries included (ixemul required)…

    Finally, the encoder works! Updated all the binaries with some minor fixes from CVS, and changed some options for slight speedup.

    For more info on Ogg Vorbis, check out Ogg Vorbis homepage

    New! (19.05.2002)

    RAPlay v3.1 finally hit Aminet!

    News for v3.1:

    • Fixed stereo output.
    • Updated liba52.
    • Minor cleanup.

    News for v3.0:

    • RealAudio v3.0 support!
    • Support for RealMedia files. ¹
    • Added AIFF argument-switch.
    • Added VERBOSE argument-switch.
    • Major cleanup and code improvements.

    ¹) only the supported codec (v1/2/3) streams.

    New! (25.04.2002)

    New LAME non-beta version 3.92!

    Sorry for the delay, but my A4k died recently, so I’ve been kinda out of touch with the world, however I’ve managed to borrow one, which enabled me to make this release for you, enjoy…

    As usual, read the history to see what’s new…

    New! (21.12.2001)

    StreamRA updated!

    The new RAPlay doesn’t really work with AUDIO: anymore, so the StreamRA script had to be updated to use the new (and better) RAPlay arguments .. also it now makes sure to supply sufficient stack for RAPlay…

    New! (22.10.2001)

    ((23.10.2001) Ooops, forgot to set the rights on madplay.lzx, sorry to all you who tried to download it earlier)

    Today we have a brand new port-release for you .. madplay, the best mpeg-audio player out there .. this will make a nice complement to the LAME encoder…

    The archive comes with binaries for 68040 and MorphOS…

    Please read the included amiga.readme for special instructions on usage!

    From the MAD README:

    MAD has the following special features:

    • 24-bit PCM output
    • 100% fixed-point (integer) computation
    • completely new implementation based on the ISO/IEC standards
    • distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)

    Because MAD provides full 24-bit PCM output, applications using MAD are able to produce high quality audio. Even when the output device supports only 16-bit PCM, applications can use the extra resolution to increase the audible dynamic range through the use of dithering or noise shaping.

    Because MAD uses integer computation rather than floating point, it is well suited for architectures without a floating point unit. All calculations are performed with a 32-bit fixed-point integer representation.

    Because MAD is a new implementation of the ISO/IEC standards, it is unencumbered by the errors and copyrights of other implementations. MAD is NOT a derivation of the ISO reference source or any other code. Considerable effort has been expended to ensure a correct implementation, even in cases where the standards are ambiguous or misleading.

    Note: If you have problems downloading, press the shift key while you click the link.

    Link Size Description
    Ogg Vorbis
    vorbis-tools.lzx 1100KB Ogg Vorbis 1.0 Binaries (060/MOS)Updated!
    MAD (Mpeg Audio Decoder)
    madplay.lzx 220KB MAD 0.14.0b madplay Binaries Updated!
    LAME MP3 Encoder
    LAMEbeta.lzx 550KB Beta version 3.89 Binaries
    LAMEbin.lzx 640KB Version 3.92 Binaries (020/NoFPU/040/060/PPC)Updated!
    LAMEdoc.lzx 38KB Documentation Updated!
    LAMEsrc.lzx 280KB Source code for the latest release version Updated!
    BladeEnc.lzx 405KB An alternative to LAME
    Combined RA and RA2 decoders:
    RAPlay.lha 380KB Multi-format (RealAudio v1/2/3) player (020, 881, 040, 060, PPC) v3.1 Updated!
    RA-PPC-Both.lha 242KB WarpUp and PowerUp (SAS/C and GCC/EGCS)
    RAPlayer.lha 182KB Multi-format (RA and RA2) player (040, 060, PPC) v1.3
    StreamRA.lha 3KB CISC’s streaming program. Get this to listen to (some) streamed audio. Updated!
    Old single-mode RA decoders:
    RA2.lha 89KB This is the main RA decoder, plus docs and sample AREXX script.
    RA2upd.lha 16KB These are just the files that have changed since the last release.
    GeekGadgets archive Big! Get the file called “ixemul-some number-bin.tgz”.
    UnTGZ 10KB Use this to uncompress the ixemul archive.
    Plus, you’ll need one of these:
    Play16 177KB Command-line sample player. You should have this anyway; it’s great!
    AHI 287KB Amiga’s retargetable audio system - think CyberGraphX for sound.
    CPU-specific builds:
    RA2-000.lha 9KB 68000 - no FPU, 2:12.15
    RA2-020.lha 9KB 68020 - no FPU, 2:12.83
    RA2-040.lha 9KB 68040 - no FPU, 20.15
    RA2-020-FPU.lha 8KB 68020 with FPU, 22.44
    RA2-040-FPU.lha 9KB 68040 with FPU, 14.93
    or RA2-PPC-PuP2.lha
    or 25KB
    PPC (PowerUp), both versions
    or PPC (PowerUp), RA2 only, 6.35
    RA2-020-FPU-libnix.lha 10 KB 68020 with FPU and libnix, 21.89
    RA2-040-FPU-libnix.lha 10 KB 68040 with FPU and libnix, 14.81
    SoX Sound Format Converter
    SoX.lzx 388KB Convert those sounds!


    What is RA?

    It is a command-line based decoder for RealAudio data streams. It takes a .ra input file and converts it into an easy-to-play raw sample.

    Will it run on my Amiga?

    Yes, it should, assuming you have a decently modern version of the OS. Folks, a bit of honesty here: if you’re using less than 3.0, please don’t submit bug reports. I won’t attempt to support older versions. Also note that while the base archive includes only the plain 68000 executables, you’ll really want to get one of the CPU-specific archives for reasonable performance.

    Will it play all RealAudio files?

    No. A lot of files will work, a lot won’t. Please don’t report non-working files to me - in all likelihood, I won’t be able to do a thing about it.

    Where can I find some of these files?

    The same places you’ve run across them before with Netscape or MSIE. One of the more interesting sites is Art Bell’s home page. Some other files are on the Gold Tooth page.

    What does “streaming” mean?

    Streaming means that you can process a file as it’s being transferred. In this case, it means that it is possible to play back the RealAudio file while it is being downloaded.


    This gives you the distinct advantage of not actually having to store the file on your hard drive. Plus, it’s kinda cool. :)

    What is rastream.rexx?

    It’s a program to demonstrate streaming. Ignore it, and use CISC’s great StreamRA! rastream.rexx was just a little toy that I spent about 3 minutes writing as a proof-of-concept.

    What are these .ram files (notice the “m” at the end)? Why doesn’t RA decode them?

    An employee at RealNetworks pointed me to their Attaching RealAudio Files To Web Pages page.

    What is Play16?

    Play16 is an Amiga sample player. Quite simply, it’s absolutely brilliant. To make Play16 play RA’s output files, use the arguments RAW, FREQ, and BITS like so:

    Play16 RAoutputfile RAW FREQ 8000 BITS 16

    What is AHI?

    AHI is a retargetable audio system. It provides programmers with a common API to play sounds back on any supported audio hardware. For example, if a programmer makes his project AHI-compatible, it can automatically use the Amiga’s native Paula output or any of the sound cards that AHI has drivers for. It’s the audio equivalent of CyberGraphX, if that helps.

    Why do you use AHI?

    It does some really neat stuff. For example, you can calibrate your Amiga’s built-in sound hardware, so that sounds played back through AHI sound as good as physically possible. Also, it provides a nifty AUDIO: device that you can copy samples to for real-time playback.

    Did you write RA?

    I wish I could take credit, but I can’t. The source code archive came from a Usenet posting, as did patches and recommendations for improvement. Hence the credit line in the version string; this is a group collaborative, not an individual effort.

    Why is RA significant?

    Mainly because we were told that it couldn’t be done. RealAudio’s authors repeatedly chose to ignore our requests to port RealAudio to the Amiga, ostensibly because our beloved computer couldn’t handle the computing demands. RA, if nothing else, proves this to be total BS.

    Is RA being ported to other platforms?

    Yes, it is. I have to admit that this surprised me. However, RealNetworks seems to be ignoring several platforms, not just AmigaOS. Known ports can be found for:

    If you know of any other ports, please let me know. I’ll be happy to cross-link any sites.

    Thanks for 28.8! How did v2.0 come about anyway?

    Boy, isn’t that a story and a half! That’s all you get to know.

    The Amiga RealAudio mailing list has been cancelled due to lack of interest.

    For LAME correspondence, write to

    RealAudio questions and comments should be addressed to

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