Pre Packaged Sushi Not Bad
I was buying groceries and saw a new display of pre-packaged plastic boxes of sushi. In the middle of Nebraska. Supermarket sushi. The idea kind of horrified me, but eventually my curiosity got the best of me and I had to try some. I settled on the spicy surimi roll and threw it in the cart. As I was checking out, I asked the cashier if anyone else ever bought these, or if I was the guinea pig. “Oh yeah,” she said. “We sell lots of it!”
Later that afternoon, Jake was asking for a snack so I recruited him to help me try it. The package came with little packets of soy sauce and wasabi, and the sushi itself looked pretty good. Steeling my nerves, I tried it.
The first bite wasn’t bad.
Jake was digging in, and I took a second, less-timid bite. No, not bad at all.
By the time we’d finished, Jake was loving it and I was pretty happy I’d taken the chance.
It certainly wasn’t Haruno, but it was actually pretty decent and something I’d gladly buy again. It was made by Fuji Food Products, Inc., and had a blue-and-gold “Fujisan” logo on the dark red-orange tape strip.
Decent sushi in Norfolk, from a grocery store cooler of all places. Who’d have thought?
Long Weekends
Summer’s upon us again. The kids just got out of school on Wednesday, which reminded me that my last post was to say that the kids were just starting back and I haven’t said a word since then. Anyway, we have them signed up for pretty much every summer sport offered and Gabby’s getting ready to start piano lessons, so they’ll be keeping pretty busy.
Jen and I have been mulching the flower gardens, to the tune of about one pickup load of mulch per weekend. We’ve put down about 4 tons now, and I think we’re finally getting to the end of it. Which is good. Because at this point, if I never move another handful of the stuff, that’ll be fine by me.
Up In The Morning And Out To School
Well, it’s officially school time again. Gabby and Ari started back yesterday, and Jake went this morning for the first time.
Gabby seemed really happy. She got in line with her friends and immediately jumped back into the swing of things.
When we took Ari into the Montessori preschool, she ran off to play with the other kids as if she’d been there all along. When I picked her up in the afternoon, she told me that she’d learned how to read (so I suppose that they’ll cover math today, and maybe start on biology next Monday).
Jake looked a little unsure this morning, but he was mostly smiling as he lined up and walked to class. I just wish I’d remembered to bring his bookbag and a camera. These are the things that happen when I’m the one who gets the kids ready for school. At least they were fed, dressed and clean.
Tilden Days
Last weekend, we took the kids to Tilden’s “Prairie Days” festival, a celebration that raises money for various local organizations.
Events included:
Whiplash, the dog-riding monkey. We arrived about ten minutes too late to see him, which was unfortunate because he was the main thing the kids were looking forward to.
An officially-sanctioned cow chip throwing contest. I didn’t know there was an official governing body for such things, but there is. Winners were eligible to compete in the World Championship Cow Chip Throw.
The First Annual Drag Your Nag Contest. Men carried their wives or girlfriends through an obstacle course, and the winning team earned the woman’s weight (in pounds) in dollars. Jen and I had registered, but when we discovered that:
- All the other men looked like firefighters or bullriders and were in much better shape than me,
- Almost everyone else was in their early 20s, and
- The obstacle course included a mud pit and we weren’t wearing old clothes,
we (I) chickened out and watched from the sidelines.
We had a great time, though, and gorged ourselves on watermelon. Congratulations on another great year, Tilden!
Running Before Walking
The kids started swimming lessons yesterday. They all had a great time and left smiling. As I was putting Jake to bed, I asked him about his day:
Me: What was your favorite part of swimming lessons?
Jake: Jumping off the diving board.
Me: Really?
Jake: Yeah. It was a little scary, though.
Me: Well, sometimes the most fun things are a little scary.
Jake: Yeah. (pause) I wish I’d done a back flip.
If God Meant For Man To Roll
It seemed like such a simple idea at the time: I’d buy a cheap bike and ride to work whenever possible. I’d get fresh air, exercise, and a tan, and most importantly I’d save money on gas (because I’m a cheapskate and hate paying $3.00 per gallon regardless of whether I can afford it).
So, I went to Happy Fun Land — what we call Wal-Mart when we want to antagonize the kids — and picked up their $80 generic mountain bike. In short, that lasted for a grand total of two (2) round trips to work before a broken chain ended my patience with its mechanical problems.
Wal-Mart kindly allowed me to exchange that lame horse for a slightly more expensive and much nicer Schwinn. I rode it to work exactly once before getting a flat tire.
It’s the little things, really. Chains are easy to fix and cheap to replace, and flat tires aren’t a big deal, but as of today I’ve spend about $50 per ride and I still don’t currently have a working bike. Maybe some of us are just meant to drive.
How To Make A Survival Kit
On my birthday in 2005, I read a Slashdot article discussing what things you might want to take with you if you had to evacuate your home. This was only a few months after Hurricane Katrina leveled southern Louisiana and Mississippi, so quite a few people had given this a lot of recent thought.
The article started off talking about which personal documents you should take copies of (driver licenses, marriage certificates, passports, etc.) — in other words, an electronic survival kit. However, the topic soon veered off into the kinds of things you need to physically stay alive. That made me realize that I’ve never made any such preparations, short of putting some bottled water in our tornado shelter. Below is a summary of the recommendations I came across.
Note: This isn’t meant as a list of things you’ll need to form your own private society out in the desert. I have absolutely zero interest in “survivalism”; I just want to have the stuff needed to keep me and my family alive until the National Guard arrives.
Second note: I primarily wrote this for me and my family. It’s biased towards scenarios that I might have to cope with, but completely ignores things that I could never hope to deal with anyway (such as being lost at sea).
How To Carry It
There are two schools of thought here:
- Pack everything inside a small metal pan that you can use for cooking, carrying water, etc.
- Pros: no wasted space or weight
- Cons: small metal pans can get crushed or soaked
- Put everything “fragile” inside a hardened case, like an OtterBox
- Pros: your gear stays dry and intact
- Cons: the box isn’t probably very intrinsically useful
Your application affects your choice very heavily. If you plain to carry mainly camping gear that’s pretty durable, the first option is probably your best choice. If you expect to carry many fragile items, such as an electronic survival kit or other small electronics, then the second is likely better. I personally use an OtterBox.
The List
Note, some of this is blatantly, word-for-word plagiarized from the above sources. My goal is to condense their ideas into one handy list, and there are only so many ways to say “strike anywhere matches”.
- Short checklist of things you’d never remember to do on your own
- The US Army Survival Manual. Print it small and use a magnifying glass if you need to.
- Good, metal knife
- Small multi-tool (for the scissors, screwdrivers, etc.)
- Compass
- Thermometer
- Magnifying glass — possibly a Fresnel lens
- Flashlight with batteries, preferably with a blinker
Metal dining utensils (that can be sanitized before and after use)
Fire starters — at least one of:
- Strike anywhere matches in a waterproof safe
- Firestarting piston
- Disposable lighter
- Magnesium/flintbar
- Personal water filter
- Water purifying straw
- Water purification tablets
Several sheets of paper and a pencil
A bottle of alcohol. Distilled, drinkable grain alcohol is best.
Medicine / Health
- Anti-diarrheals
- Aspirin
- Antihistimines — to counter allergic reactions
- Any other drugs you personally need to stay alive
- Scalpel blades
- Sunscreen
- Suture kit
Homemade soda can stove
5 pounds of gorp (“good old raisins and peanuts”)
Emergency blanket
Ziploc Baggies
Camelback water reservoir recently filled with known good water
100 feet of parachute cord
Wool cloth. Two shirtweight pieces 45"X 72". One heavier weight 60"X108". These are your clothes, your hammock, your chair, your carryall, etc. Do not substitute cotton!
Three yards of 36" wide cotton could come in handy as well. This is your hat, your belt, your shoulder bag, your sling, etc.
- Two pair of wool socks
- Waterproof, windproof shell or parka. Yes, even if you’re in a tropical zone.
- Work gloves for digging through post-disaster rubble
- A warm hat
A pennywhistle or any other tiny musical instrument. If you can turn a disaster into a party, your odds of survival will go up.
- Referee’s whistle
- Mirror
- Mini LED flashlight
Money — your eventual goal is to get back to civilization
- Mini roll of duct tape
- Sewing needle and thread
- Safety pins
9’x7’ painting tarp (to make a tent) or a few trashbags
Slingshot kit — can be used to kill small game or fish
The Piano's Broken
We got a used piano a few months ago. After we cleaned it and put it where we wanted it, I played a few short songs (poorly). Throughout the rest of the day, we’d occasionally hear one of the kids hitting a few keys and laughing.
Several hours later, Jake came up to me with some bad news:
Jake: Daddy, I think the piano’s broken.
Me, alarmed: Why? What happened?
Jake, upset: I pressed all the keys, but it didn’t make the right music come out.
Our Bird Is Dead
Gabby was in the preschool at Christ Lutheran School, and her classroom had a caged parakeet. One day Gabby told me that their bird was dead. Since she was only three years old at the time, I didn’t think she knew what that meant, so I asked her about it:
Me: What do you mean, dead?
Gabby: I mean, the bird died.
Me: But what do you mean when you say that it died?
Gabby: It began to stink, so my teacher had to put it in a box and bury it.
Oh. I guess she knew what she was talking about after all.
They Were How Big?
Well, today was the big day — Jake and Ari had their tonsils removed. The doctor said Jake’s were nearly as large as golf balls, so the poor little guy had to have been miserable.
The operations went off without a hitch, and they’re both recovering nicely (if irritably) at home.
Filtering Spam With Postfix
If you are responsible for maintaining an internet-connected mail-server, then you have, no doubt, come to hate spam and the waste of resources which comes with it. When I first decided to lock down my own mail-server, I found many resources that helped in dealing with these unwanted messages. Each of them contained a trick or two, however very few of them were presented in the context of running a real server, and none of them demonstrated an entire filtering framework. In the end I created my own set of rules from the bits and pieces I found, and months of experimentation and fine-tuning resulted in the system detailed in this article.
This article will show you how to configure a Postfix mail-server in order to reject the wide majority of unwanted incoming “junk email”, whether they contain unsolicited commercial email (UCE), viruses, or worms. Although my examples are specific to Postfix, the concepts are generic and can be applied to any system that can be configured at this level of detail.
For a real world example, I’ll use my server’s configuration details:
Hostname | |
Public address | |
Postfix configuration path | /usr/local/etc/postfix |
This configuration was written with two primary rules in mind:
- Safety is important above all else. That is, I would much rather incorrectly allow an unwanted message through my system than reject a legitimate message.
- The system had to scale well. A perfect system that uses all of my server’s processing power at moderate workloads is not useful.
To these ends, several checks — that may have reduced the number of “false negatives” (messages that should have been rejected but were not) at the cost of increasing the number of “false positives” (legitimate messages that were incorrectly rejected) — were avoided. The more resource-intensive tests were moved toward the end of the configuration. This way, the quick checks at the beginning eliminated the majority of UCE so that the longer tests had a relatively small amount of traffic to examine.
HELO restrictions
When a client system connects to a mail-server, it’s required to identity itself using the SMTP HELO
command. Many viruses and spammers skip this step altogether, either by sending impossibly invalid information, or lying and saying that they are one of your own trusted systems — in the hopes that they will be granted undeserved access. The first step in the filtering pipeline, then, is to reject connections from clients that are severely mis-configured or that are deliberately attempting to circumvent your security. Given their simplicity, these tests are far more effective than might be imagined, and they were implemented in my
file with this settings block:
1 smtpd_delay_reject = yes
2 smtpd_helo_required = yes
3 smtpd_helo_restrictions =
4 permit_mynetworks,
5 check_helo_access hash:/usr/local/etc/postfix/helo_access,
6 reject_non_fqdn_hostname,
7 reject_invalid_hostname,
8 permit
Line 1 is a fix for certain broken (but popular) clients, and is required in able to use HELO
filtering at all. The second line rejects mail from any system that fails to identify itself. Line 4 tells Postfix to accept connections from any machines on my local network. The next line references an external hash table that contains a set of black- and whitelisted entries; mine looks like this: OK REJECT You are not me. Shoo! REJECT You are not me. Shoo!
The first line in the table explicitly allows connections from my laptop so that I can send mail when connected through an external network. At this point Postfix has already been told to accept connections from all of my local machines and my short list of remote machines, so any other computer in the world that identifies itself as one of my systems is lying. Since I’m not particularly interested in mail from deceptive systems, those connections were flatly rejected.
Lines 6 through 8 complete this stage by rejecting connections from hosts that identify themselves in blatantly incorrect ways, such as “MAILSERVER” and “HOST@192.168!”.
Some administrators also use the reject_unknown_hostname
option to ignore servers whose hostnames can’t be resolved, but in my experience this causes too many false positives from legitimate systems with transient DNS problems or other harmless issues.
You can test the effect of these rules, without activating them on a live system, by using the warn_if_reject
option to cause Postfix to send debugging information to your maillog without actually processing them. For example, line 6 could be replaced with:
This way the results can be observed without the risk of inadvertently getting false positives.
Sender restrictions
The next step is to reject invalid senders with these options:
9 smtpd_sender_restrictions =
10 permit_sasl_authenticated,
11 permit_mynetworks,
12 reject_non_fqdn_sender,
13 reject_unknown_sender_domain,
14 permit
Lines 10 and 11 allow clients that have authenticated with a username and password or Kerberos ticket, or who are hosts on my local network, to continue onward. Lines 12 and 13 work similarly lines 6 and 7 in the “HELO restrictions” section; if the sender’s email address is malformed or provably nonexistent, then there’s no reason to accept mail from them. The next line allows every other message to move on to the next phase of filtering.
Recipient restrictions and expensive tests
By this time, it’s clear that the client machine isn’t completely mis-configured and that the sender stands a reasonable chance of being legitimate. The final step is to see that the client has permission to send to the given recipient and to apply the remaining “expensive” tests to the small number of messages that have made it this far. Here’s how I do it:
15 smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
16 reject_unauth_pipelining,
17 reject_non_fqdn_recipient,
18 reject_unknown_recipient_domain,
19 permit_mynetworks,
20 permit_sasl_authenticated,
21 reject_unauth_destination,
22 check_sender_access hash:/usr/local/etc/postfix/sender_access,
23 check_recipient_access hash:/usr/local/etc/postfix/recipient_access,
24 check_helo_access hash:/usr/local/etc/postfix/secondary_mx_access,
25 reject_rbl_client,
26 reject_rbl_client,
27 reject_rbl_client,
28 check_policy_service unix:private/spfpolicy
29 check_policy_service inet:
30 permit
Many spammers send a series of commands without waiting for authorization, in order to deliver their messages as quickly as possible. Line 16 rejects messages from those attempting to do this.
Options like lines 17 and 18 are probably becoming familiar now, and they work in this case by rejecting mail targeted at domains that don’t exist (or can’t exist). Just as in the “Sender restrictions” section, lines 19 and 20 allow local or authenticated users to proceed — which here means that their messages will not go through any more checks. Line 21 is critically important because it tells Postfix not to accept messages with recipients at domains not hosted locally or that we serve as a backup mail server for; without this line, the server would be an open relay!
The next line defines an access file named sender_access
that can be used as a black- or whitelist. I use this to list my consulting clients’ mail-servers so that none of the remaining tests can inadvertently drop important requests from them. I added line 23, which creates a similar blacklist called recipient_access
for recipient addresses, as an emergency response to a “joe job”. Once in 2003, a spammer forged an email address from my domain onto several million UCE messages and I was getting deluged with bounce messages to “”. I was able to reject these by adding an entry like: REJECT This is a forged account.
Although the event was annoying, this allowed my server to continue normal operation until the storm had passed.
Line 24 is the last of the “inexpensive” checks. It compares the name that the remote system sent earlier via the HELO
command to the list of my secondary mail servers and permits mail filtered through those systems to be delivered without further testing. This is the weak link in my filtering system, because if a spammer were clever enough to claim that they were one of my backup servers then my mail server would cheerfully deliver any message sent to it. In practice, though, I’ve never seen a spammer that crafty and this line could be removed without side effects should the need arise.
Lines 25 through 27 are somewhat more controversial than most of my techniques, in that they consult external DNS blackhole lists in order to selectively reject messages based on the IP address of the sender. Each of these lists have been chosen because of their good reputation and very conservative policies toward adding new entries, but you should evaluate each list for yourself before using their databases to drop messages.
SPF and greylisting
Lines 28 and 29 add Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and greylisting filtering respectively. SPF works by attempting to look up a DNS record, that domains can publish, which gives the list of addresses allowed to send email for that domain. For example,’s SPF record is currently “v=spf1 ip4: -all”, which means that a message claiming to be from sent from the IP address is forged and can be safely rejected.
Greylists are pure gold when it comes to rejecting junk email. Whenever a client attempts to send mail to a particular recipient, the greylist server will attempt to find that client’s address and the recipient’s address in its database. If there is no such entry then one will be created, and Postfix will use a standard SMTP error message to tell the client that the recipient’s mailbox is temporarily unavailable and to try again later. It will then continue to reject similar attempts until the timestamp is of a certain age (mine is set to five minutes). The theory behind this is that almost no special-purpose spam sending software will actually attempt to re-send the message, but almost every legitimate mail server in existence will gladly comply and send the queued message a short time later. This simple addition cut my incoming junk email load by over 99% at the small cost of having to wait an extra five minutes to receive email for the first time from a new contact. It has worked flawlessly with the many mailing lists that my clients and I subscribe to and has not caused any collateral problems that I am aware of. If you take nothing else from this article, let it be that greylisting is a Good Thing and your customers will love you for using it.
I use the script that ships with Postfix to handle SPF, and Postgrey as an add-on greylisting policy server. They’re defined in my file as:
spfpolicy unix - n n - - spawn
user=nobody argv=/usr/bin/perl /usr/local/libexec/postfix/
greypolicy unix - n n - - spawn
user=nobody argv=/usr/bin/perl /usr/local/libexec/postfix/
Content filtering
The messages remaining at this point are very likely to be legitimate, although all that Postfix has actually done so far is enforce SMTP rules and reject known spammers. Their final hurdle on the way from their senders to my users’ mailboxes is to pass through a spam filter and an antivirus program. The easiest way to do this with Postfix is to install AMaViS, SpamAssasin, and ClamAV and then configure Postfix to send messages to AMaViS (which acts as a wrapper around the other two) before delivering them, and line 31 does exactly that:
31 content_filter = smtp-amavis:
SpamAssassin is fantastic at identifying spam correctly. Its “hit rate” while used in this system will be much lower than if it were receiving an unfiltered stream, as most of the easy targets have already been removed. I recommend setting AMaViS to reject only the messages with the highest spam scores; I arbitrarily picked a score of 10.0 on my systems. Then, tag the rest with headers that your users can use to sort mail into junk folders.
ClamAV has proven itself to be an effective and trustworthy antivirus filter, and I now discard any message that it identifies as having a viral payload.
Unfortunately, the configuration of these systems is more complicated than I could hope to cover in this article, as it depends heavily on the setup of the rest of your email system. The good news is that literally less than 1% of junk email makes it this far into my system, and I’ve actually gone for several days without realizing that SpamAssassin or ClamAV hadn’t been restarted after an upgrade. Still, these extra filters are very good at catching those last few messages that make it through the cracks.
Other possibilities
If you want more aggressive filtering and can accept the increased risk of false positives, consider some of the other less-conservative blackhole lists such as the ones run by SPEWS or the various lists of blocks of dynamic IP addresses. You may also consider using the reject_unknown_hostname
option mentioned in the “HELO restrictions” section, but you can expect a small, measurable increase in false positives.
The ruleset described above should be sufficient on its own to eliminate the vast majority of junk email, so your time would probably be better spent implementing and adjusting it before testing other measures.
None of the techniques I use are particularly difficult to implement, but I faced quite a challenge in assembling them into a coherent system from the scraps I found laying about in various web pages and mailing lists.
The most important thing I learned from the process was that it’s easy to experiment with Postfix, and it can be customized to your level of comfort. When used in my configuration, the most effective filters are:
- Greylisting
- DNS blackhole lists
- HELO enforcement
Greylisting has proven to be an excellent filter and I’ve deployed it successfully on several networks with nothing but positive feedback from their owners. Even the basic HELO filtering, though, can visibly decrease spam loads and should be completely safe. It can be difficult to find a good compromise between safety and effectiveness, but I believe I’ve found a solid combination that should work in almost any situation. Don’t be afraid to test these ideas on your own and make them a part of your own anti-spam system!
Notes and resources
- Postfix Configuration — UCE Controls
- SPF: Sender Policy Framework
- — a great weapon against spammers
- Postgrey — Postfix Greylisting Policy Server
- AMaViS — A Mail Virus Scanner
- The Apache SpamAssassin Project
- Clam AntiVirus
Copyright information
This article is made available under the “Attribution-Sharealike” Creative Commons License 2.5 available from
Reprint information
This article was originally published in Free Software Magazine. I’m reposting it here for backup purposes.
Strangers In The House
On Tuesday evening, August 24, 2004, I left my wife and three young children (ages four, three, and sixteen months) at home for a couple of hours to go to a Lodge meeting. About an hour after I left, Jen put the kids to bed and sat down at the kitchen table to eat a bowl of ice cream and work a crossword puzzle.
After a few minutes, she heard a sound coming from the general direction of the utility room, which is adjacent to our dining room, but she guessed that our Boston Terrier might have been sleeping in there and making dog sounds. When she heard the noise again, she got up to check it out. Just as she stepped into the utility room and looked at the sleeping dog, she heard a voice coming up from the basement stairs that open into that room:
“Don’t mind me — I’m just hanging around.”
Jen screamed, ran into the kitchen, grabbed her cell phone (in case the intruder had cut the phone lines), dashed into the nursery, grabbed our sleeping baby, sprinted into the room of our two older kids, slammed and locked the door, and called the police.
In a state of near panic, she told the operator that there was someone in the house, and to please send a policeman quickly. The operator kept her on the phone to make sure that she and the children were still safe, and in almost no time four cars had arrived from the Norfolk Police Division. After a quick sweep around the house with guns drawn and a police dog in tow, the operator told Jen that the yard was clear, and asked her to open the door for the policemen to come inside.
When she did, four officers dashed into the house with guns drawn, and quickly went through every room in the ground floor while Jen ran back into the kids’ bedroom to try to calm them down. Then, they moved toward the basement.
After a few minutes, a policeman told Jen that he thought they’d found the problem, and asked her to come with them. As they started down the basement stairs, he asked if we had some weird kind of video game. Jen said that she didn’t think so, but wasn’t sure why he was asking. As they rounded a corner and entered the back of the basement where we have our entertainment center, she saw him — the “intruder”. Our babysitter had left our DVD player turned on, and the kids had been watching Disney’s “Snow White”. Now, when you insert a DVD, it will often play a little video loop until you decide whether to watch the movie, turn on subtitles, or listen to it in French. In this case, that video loop happened to be the witch’s Magic Mirror hanging on the wall and saying such clever things as, you guessed it:
“Don’t mind me — I’m just hanging around.”
That’s right. My wife had been terrified out of her skull and called the police on a minor character in a Walt Disney movie. Now, let me clearly state that I don’t blame my wife for a bit of what happened. If I had been home by myself, and I heard a voice coming from my dark basement (especially a voice specifically meant to scare kids), I might’ve done the same thing. Fortunately, the police seemed to have a good sense of humor about the whole situation, and were very kind and reassuring to Jen. I really appreciate their quick response, bravery in the face of the unknown, and ability not to laugh until they were back in their cars.
The Amiga Alternative Audio Page
Note: This is an exact snapshot of the page as it was last modified by CISC back in 2002. I hadn’t bothered importing the page into the new site until I saw a gazillion 404 errors in the logs. Y’all really want your Amiga MP3 encoders, don’t you? That’s OK. I’ll keep the lights on for my friends on their wonderful older systems.
This is the new combined RealAudio-and-Lame home page. Much of the information was redundant, so this made a lot more sense.
Updated! (14.08.2002)
This time we have yet another newcomer .. Ogg Vorbis, the audio codec that will conquer the world (“What are we going to do tonight Brain? The same thing we do every night Pinky .. Conquer The World!”)…
Ahwell, maybe, maybe not, time will tell .. in the meantime you can atleast play around abit with it yourself … Enjoy…
Ogg Vorbis is quite a resource hog though, so only 060 (barely usable on my 060/50) and MorphOS binaries included (ixemul required)…
Finally, the encoder works! Updated all the binaries with some minor fixes from CVS, and changed some options for slight speedup.
For more info on Ogg Vorbis, check out Ogg Vorbis homepage…
New! (19.05.2002)
RAPlay v3.1 finally hit Aminet!
News for v3.1:
- Fixed stereo output.
- Updated liba52.
- Minor cleanup.
News for v3.0:
- RealAudio v3.0 support!
- Support for RealMedia files. ¹
- Added AIFF argument-switch.
- Added VERBOSE argument-switch.
- Major cleanup and code improvements.
¹) only the supported codec (v1/2/3) streams.
New! (25.04.2002)
New LAME non-beta version 3.92!
Sorry for the delay, but my A4k died recently, so I’ve been kinda out of touch with the world, however I’ve managed to borrow one, which enabled me to make this release for you, enjoy…
As usual, read the history to see what’s new…
New! (21.12.2001)
StreamRA updated!
The new RAPlay doesn’t really work with AUDIO: anymore, so the StreamRA script had to be updated to use the new (and better) RAPlay arguments .. also it now makes sure to supply sufficient stack for RAPlay…
New! (22.10.2001)
((23.10.2001) Ooops, forgot to set the rights on madplay.lzx, sorry to all you who tried to download it earlier)
Today we have a brand new port-release for you .. madplay, the best mpeg-audio player out there .. this will make a nice complement to the LAME encoder…
The archive comes with binaries for 68040 and MorphOS…
Please read the included amiga.readme for special instructions on usage!
From the MAD README:
MAD has the following special features:
- 24-bit PCM output
- 100% fixed-point (integer) computation
- completely new implementation based on the ISO/IEC standards
- distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
Because MAD provides full 24-bit PCM output, applications using MAD are able to produce high quality audio. Even when the output device supports only 16-bit PCM, applications can use the extra resolution to increase the audible dynamic range through the use of dithering or noise shaping.
Because MAD uses integer computation rather than floating point, it is well suited for architectures without a floating point unit. All calculations are performed with a 32-bit fixed-point integer representation.
Because MAD is a new implementation of the ISO/IEC standards, it is unencumbered by the errors and copyrights of other implementations. MAD is NOT a derivation of the ISO reference source or any other code. Considerable effort has been expended to ensure a correct implementation, even in cases where the standards are ambiguous or misleading.
Note: If you have problems downloading, press the shift key while you click the link.
Link | Size | Description |
Ogg Vorbis | ||
vorbis-tools.lzx | 1100KB | Ogg Vorbis 1.0 Binaries (060/MOS)Updated! |
MAD (Mpeg Audio Decoder) | ||
madplay.lzx | 220KB | MAD 0.14.0b madplay Binaries Updated! |
LAME MP3 Encoder | ||
LAMEbeta.lzx | 550KB | Beta version 3.89 Binaries |
LAMEbin.lzx | 640KB | Version 3.92 Binaries (020/NoFPU/040/060/PPC)Updated! |
LAMEdoc.lzx | 38KB | Documentation Updated! |
LAMEsrc.lzx | 280KB | Source code for the latest release version Updated! |
BladeEnc | ||
BladeEnc.lzx | 405KB | An alternative to LAME |
RealAudio | ||
Combined RA and RA2 decoders: | ||
RAPlay.lha | 380KB | Multi-format (RealAudio v1/2/3) player (020, 881, 040, 060, PPC) v3.1 Updated! |
RA-PPC-Both.lha | 242KB | WarpUp and PowerUp (SAS/C and GCC/EGCS) |
RAPlayer.lha | 182KB | Multi-format (RA and RA2) player (040, 060, PPC) v1.3 |
StreamRA.lha | 3KB | CISC’s streaming program. Get this to listen to (some) streamed audio. Updated! |
Old single-mode RA decoders: | ||
RA2.lha | 89KB | This is the main RA decoder, plus docs and sample AREXX script. |
RA2upd.lha | 16KB | These are just the files that have changed since the last release. |
GeekGadgets archive | Big! | Get the file called “ixemul-some number-bin.tgz”. |
UnTGZ | 10KB | Use this to uncompress the ixemul archive. |
Plus, you’ll need one of these: | ||
Play16 | 177KB | Command-line sample player. You should have this anyway; it’s great! |
AHI | 287KB | Amiga’s retargetable audio system - think CyberGraphX for sound. |
CPU-specific builds: | ||
RA2-000.lha | 9KB | 68000 - no FPU, 2:12.15 |
RA2-020.lha | 9KB | 68020 - no FPU, 2:12.83 |
RA2-040.lha | 9KB | 68040 - no FPU, 20.15 |
RA2-020-FPU.lha | 8KB | 68020 with FPU, 22.44 |
RA2-040-FPU.lha | 9KB | 68040 with FPU, 14.93 |
RA2-PPC-PuP1.lha or RA2-PPC-PuP2.lha |
109KB or 25KB |
PPC (PowerUp), both versions or PPC (PowerUp), RA2 only, 6.35 |
RA2-020-FPU-libnix.lha | 10 KB | 68020 with FPU and libnix, 21.89 |
RA2-040-FPU-libnix.lha | 10 KB | 68040 with FPU and libnix, 14.81 |
SoX Sound Format Converter | ||
SoX.lzx | 388KB | Convert those sounds! |
What is RA?
It is a command-line based decoder for RealAudio data streams. It takes a .ra input file and converts it into an easy-to-play raw sample.
Will it run on my Amiga?
Yes, it should, assuming you have a decently modern version of the OS. Folks, a bit of honesty here: if you’re using less than 3.0, please don’t submit bug reports. I won’t attempt to support older versions. Also note that while the base archive includes only the plain 68000 executables, you’ll really want to get one of the CPU-specific archives for reasonable performance.
Will it play all RealAudio files?
No. A lot of files will work, a lot won’t. Please don’t report non-working files to me - in all likelihood, I won’t be able to do a thing about it.
Where can I find some of these files?
The same places you’ve run across them before with Netscape or MSIE. One of the more interesting sites is Art Bell’s home page. Some other files are on the Gold Tooth page.
What does “streaming” mean?
Streaming means that you can process a file as it’s being transferred. In this case, it means that it is possible to play back the RealAudio file while it is being downloaded.
This gives you the distinct advantage of not actually having to store the file on your hard drive. Plus, it’s kinda cool. :)
What is rastream.rexx?
It’s a program to demonstrate streaming. Ignore it, and use CISC’s great StreamRA! rastream.rexx was just a little toy that I spent about 3 minutes writing as a proof-of-concept.
What are these .ram files (notice the “m” at the end)? Why doesn’t RA decode them?
An employee at RealNetworks pointed me to their Attaching RealAudio Files To Web Pages page.
What is Play16?
Play16 is an Amiga sample player. Quite simply, it’s absolutely brilliant. To make Play16 play RA’s output files, use the arguments RAW, FREQ, and BITS like so:
Play16 RAoutputfile RAW FREQ 8000 BITS 16
What is AHI?
AHI is a retargetable audio system. It provides programmers with a common API to play sounds back on any supported audio hardware. For example, if a programmer makes his project AHI-compatible, it can automatically use the Amiga’s native Paula output or any of the sound cards that AHI has drivers for. It’s the audio equivalent of CyberGraphX, if that helps.
Why do you use AHI?
It does some really neat stuff. For example, you can calibrate your Amiga’s built-in sound hardware, so that sounds played back through AHI sound as good as physically possible. Also, it provides a nifty AUDIO: device that you can copy samples to for real-time playback.
Did you write RA?
I wish I could take credit, but I can’t. The source code archive came from a Usenet posting, as did patches and recommendations for improvement. Hence the credit line in the version string; this is a group collaborative, not an individual effort.
Why is RA significant?
Mainly because we were told that it couldn’t be done. RealAudio’s authors repeatedly chose to ignore our requests to port RealAudio to the Amiga, ostensibly because our beloved computer couldn’t handle the computing demands. RA, if nothing else, proves this to be total BS.
Is RA being ported to other platforms?
Yes, it is. I have to admit that this surprised me. However, RealNetworks seems to be ignoring several platforms, not just AmigaOS. Known ports can be found for:
If you know of any other ports, please let me know. I’ll be happy to cross-link any sites.
Thanks for 28.8! How did v2.0 come about anyway?
Boy, isn’t that a story and a half! That’s all you get to know.
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RealAudio questions and comments should be addressed to