In case you wondered if kids ever get cheaper, this just happened:
Kid: Hey Dad, uh, can you pay my tuition?
Me: When’s it due?
Kid: sheepish grin, looks at wristwatch
Me: Use the open sriracha before you open a new bottle.
Kid: OK! opens the new bottle
Me: Why did you open that?
Kid: I couldn’t find the other one.
This is literally where I found the old bottle when I opened the refrigerator.

My kid wanted to watch Airplane! tonight. This is the best, goofiest movie ever. I could watch it 1,000 times.
All household children deny knowledge of the situation, but I am skeptical.
My wife took a vow to put up with me 25 years ago today. Since then, she’s been my ride-or-die best friend through our many grand adventures. We didn’t always know how they’d work out. We’ve always gotten through them together. I know there’s nothing too big for us to face side by side.
Here’s to the next 25, my love, and all the others after that.
So many memorials today. Dad, Laurie, too many friends. I love you all and miss you dearly.
Guest Post By Gabby There Here
Grandma and Grandpa got here yesterday!My camera is working again to!I took a picture of a mirror,and when I saw the picture I saw me and my camera flashing!Anyways,I am very exited!They’re staying 2 weeks!