Best Buy’s new anti-privacy practices are even more awful than before. They’ve lost any business I’d ever be sending them after this.

Do Not Sell My Personal Information&10;You're opting out of the "sale" of personal information.&10;Here's what you need to know:&10;• We can best honor this request if you are logged in to a Best Buy account.&10;• When you submit this request, we'll place a cookie on your browser to opt you out of the&10;"sale" of your personal information from;• This cookie will only take effect on this device, with this browser. If you visit with a different device or browser, you will need to make the request again.&10;• If you use our mobile app, you'll need to activate the Do Not Sell function of the mobile app - your submission here won't impact the app.&10;• If you later delete or clear Best Buy's opt-out cookie, you'll need to submit a new opt-out request.&10;Send