Note: This is an exact snapshot of the page as it was last modified by CISC back in 2002. I hadn’t bothered importing the page into the new site until I saw a gazillion 404 errors in the logs. Y’all really want your Amiga MP3 encoders, don’t you? That’s OK. I’ll keep the lights on for my friends on their wonderful older systems.

This is the new combined RealAudio-and-Lame home page. Much of the information was redundant, so this made a lot more sense.

Updated! (14.08.2002)

This time we have yet another newcomer .. Ogg Vorbis, the audio codec that will conquer the world (“What are we going to do tonight Brain? The same thing we do every night Pinky .. Conquer The World!”)…

Ahwell, maybe, maybe not, time will tell .. in the meantime you can atleast play around abit with it yourself … Enjoy…

Ogg Vorbis is quite a resource hog though, so only 060 (barely usable on my 060/50) and MorphOS binaries included (ixemul required)…

Finally, the encoder works! Updated all the binaries with some minor fixes from CVS, and changed some options for slight speedup.

For more info on Ogg Vorbis, check out Ogg Vorbis homepage

New! (19.05.2002)

RAPlay v3.1 finally hit Aminet!

News for v3.1:

  • Fixed stereo output.
  • Updated liba52.
  • Minor cleanup.

News for v3.0:

  • RealAudio v3.0 support!
  • Support for RealMedia files. ¹
  • Added AIFF argument-switch.
  • Added VERBOSE argument-switch.
  • Major cleanup and code improvements.

¹) only the supported codec (v1/2/3) streams.

New! (25.04.2002)

New LAME non-beta version 3.92!

Sorry for the delay, but my A4k died recently, so I’ve been kinda out of touch with the world, however I’ve managed to borrow one, which enabled me to make this release for you, enjoy…

As usual, read the history to see what’s new…

New! (21.12.2001)

StreamRA updated!

The new RAPlay doesn’t really work with AUDIO: anymore, so the StreamRA script had to be updated to use the new (and better) RAPlay arguments .. also it now makes sure to supply sufficient stack for RAPlay…

New! (22.10.2001)

((23.10.2001) Ooops, forgot to set the rights on madplay.lzx, sorry to all you who tried to download it earlier)

Today we have a brand new port-release for you .. madplay, the best mpeg-audio player out there .. this will make a nice complement to the LAME encoder…

The archive comes with binaries for 68040 and MorphOS…

Please read the included amiga.readme for special instructions on usage!

From the MAD README:

MAD has the following special features:

  • 24-bit PCM output
  • 100% fixed-point (integer) computation
  • completely new implementation based on the ISO/IEC standards
  • distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)

Because MAD provides full 24-bit PCM output, applications using MAD are able to produce high quality audio. Even when the output device supports only 16-bit PCM, applications can use the extra resolution to increase the audible dynamic range through the use of dithering or noise shaping.

Because MAD uses integer computation rather than floating point, it is well suited for architectures without a floating point unit. All calculations are performed with a 32-bit fixed-point integer representation.

Because MAD is a new implementation of the ISO/IEC standards, it is unencumbered by the errors and copyrights of other implementations. MAD is NOT a derivation of the ISO reference source or any other code. Considerable effort has been expended to ensure a correct implementation, even in cases where the standards are ambiguous or misleading.

Note: If you have problems downloading, press the shift key while you click the link.

Link Size Description
Ogg Vorbis
vorbis-tools.lzx 1100KB Ogg Vorbis 1.0 Binaries (060/MOS)Updated!
MAD (Mpeg Audio Decoder)
madplay.lzx 220KB MAD 0.14.0b madplay Binaries Updated!
LAME MP3 Encoder
LAMEbeta.lzx 550KB Beta version 3.89 Binaries
LAMEbin.lzx 640KB Version 3.92 Binaries (020/NoFPU/040/060/PPC)Updated!
LAMEdoc.lzx 38KB Documentation Updated!
LAMEsrc.lzx 280KB Source code for the latest release version Updated!
BladeEnc.lzx 405KB An alternative to LAME
Combined RA and RA2 decoders:
RAPlay.lha 380KB Multi-format (RealAudio v1/2/3) player (020, 881, 040, 060, PPC) v3.1 Updated!
RA-PPC-Both.lha 242KB WarpUp and PowerUp (SAS/C and GCC/EGCS)
RAPlayer.lha 182KB Multi-format (RA and RA2) player (040, 060, PPC) v1.3
StreamRA.lha 3KB CISC’s streaming program. Get this to listen to (some) streamed audio. Updated!
Old single-mode RA decoders:
RA2.lha 89KB This is the main RA decoder, plus docs and sample AREXX script.
RA2upd.lha 16KB These are just the files that have changed since the last release.
GeekGadgets archive Big! Get the file called “ixemul-some number-bin.tgz”.
UnTGZ 10KB Use this to uncompress the ixemul archive.
Plus, you’ll need one of these:
Play16 177KB Command-line sample player. You should have this anyway; it’s great!
AHI 287KB Amiga’s retargetable audio system - think CyberGraphX for sound.
CPU-specific builds:
RA2-000.lha 9KB 68000 - no FPU, 2:12.15
RA2-020.lha 9KB 68020 - no FPU, 2:12.83
RA2-040.lha 9KB 68040 - no FPU, 20.15
RA2-020-FPU.lha 8KB 68020 with FPU, 22.44
RA2-040-FPU.lha 9KB 68040 with FPU, 14.93
or RA2-PPC-PuP2.lha
or 25KB
PPC (PowerUp), both versions
or PPC (PowerUp), RA2 only, 6.35
RA2-020-FPU-libnix.lha 10 KB 68020 with FPU and libnix, 21.89
RA2-040-FPU-libnix.lha 10 KB 68040 with FPU and libnix, 14.81
SoX Sound Format Converter
SoX.lzx 388KB Convert those sounds!


What is RA?

It is a command-line based decoder for RealAudio data streams. It takes a .ra input file and converts it into an easy-to-play raw sample.

Will it run on my Amiga?

Yes, it should, assuming you have a decently modern version of the OS. Folks, a bit of honesty here: if you’re using less than 3.0, please don’t submit bug reports. I won’t attempt to support older versions. Also note that while the base archive includes only the plain 68000 executables, you’ll really want to get one of the CPU-specific archives for reasonable performance.

Will it play all RealAudio files?

No. A lot of files will work, a lot won’t. Please don’t report non-working files to me - in all likelihood, I won’t be able to do a thing about it.

Where can I find some of these files?

The same places you’ve run across them before with Netscape or MSIE. One of the more interesting sites is Art Bell’s home page. Some other files are on the Gold Tooth page.

What does “streaming” mean?

Streaming means that you can process a file as it’s being transferred. In this case, it means that it is possible to play back the RealAudio file while it is being downloaded.


This gives you the distinct advantage of not actually having to store the file on your hard drive. Plus, it’s kinda cool. :)

What is rastream.rexx?

It’s a program to demonstrate streaming. Ignore it, and use CISC’s great StreamRA! rastream.rexx was just a little toy that I spent about 3 minutes writing as a proof-of-concept.

What are these .ram files (notice the “m” at the end)? Why doesn’t RA decode them?

An employee at RealNetworks pointed me to their Attaching RealAudio Files To Web Pages page.

What is Play16?

Play16 is an Amiga sample player. Quite simply, it’s absolutely brilliant. To make Play16 play RA’s output files, use the arguments RAW, FREQ, and BITS like so:

Play16 RAoutputfile RAW FREQ 8000 BITS 16

What is AHI?

AHI is a retargetable audio system. It provides programmers with a common API to play sounds back on any supported audio hardware. For example, if a programmer makes his project AHI-compatible, it can automatically use the Amiga’s native Paula output or any of the sound cards that AHI has drivers for. It’s the audio equivalent of CyberGraphX, if that helps.

Why do you use AHI?

It does some really neat stuff. For example, you can calibrate your Amiga’s built-in sound hardware, so that sounds played back through AHI sound as good as physically possible. Also, it provides a nifty AUDIO: device that you can copy samples to for real-time playback.

Did you write RA?

I wish I could take credit, but I can’t. The source code archive came from a Usenet posting, as did patches and recommendations for improvement. Hence the credit line in the version string; this is a group collaborative, not an individual effort.

Why is RA significant?

Mainly because we were told that it couldn’t be done. RealAudio’s authors repeatedly chose to ignore our requests to port RealAudio to the Amiga, ostensibly because our beloved computer couldn’t handle the computing demands. RA, if nothing else, proves this to be total BS.

Is RA being ported to other platforms?

Yes, it is. I have to admit that this surprised me. However, RealNetworks seems to be ignoring several platforms, not just AmigaOS. Known ports can be found for:

If you know of any other ports, please let me know. I’ll be happy to cross-link any sites.

Thanks for 28.8! How did v2.0 come about anyway?

Boy, isn’t that a story and a half! That’s all you get to know.

The Amiga RealAudio mailing list has been cancelled due to lack of interest.

For LAME correspondence, write to

RealAudio questions and comments should be addressed to