
    My travel project template

    In an older post, I talked about making a project template for trip planning. The goal is to build a comprehensive list of everything I might want to prepare, pack, or do before, during, or after a business or vacation trip. Before I made this template, I was more anxious: Did I forget to do anything? Do I have everything I need? What am I missing? Now I can relax and concentrate on the fun times ahead.

    Friends have asked me for my list to use as a starting point for their own, and this is that lightly annotated list. Regrets from past adventures inspired every item. The moment I’ve booked a trip, I copy this template into my to-do app, then delete everything that doesn’t apply this time. For instance, if I’m going to visit family, I can use their pillow instead of packing my own. If I’m going to Chicago in winter, I don’t need swimming trunks. If I’m traveling for personal reasons, I may not take my work laptop. It’s much easier to remove items I don’t need than to scramble to remember the things I do need.

    As always, the “update the travel template” action near the bottom is the critical feedback loop that makes this all work. Every time I’ve wished I’d done or packed something, I made a reminder to add it to the list for the next time. If I were to start over with a new template having that as the only item, after a few trips that template would look a lot like this one.

    As soon as travel is planned

    • Schedule time off at work 1
    • Call the vet to make pet boarding arrangements

    Three weeks before travel

    • Ensure airline has TSA Pre✓ info

    One week before travel

    • Notify the bank about travel 2
    • Buy travel toothpaste
    • Buy disposable razors
    • Buy travel shaving cream

    Two days before travel

    • Get passports from safe
    • Check in to flight
    • Get $40 from an ATM 3
    • Download reading material 4
    • Stop eating spicy food 5

    Day before travel

    • Charge the USB battery 6
    • Pack pants
    • Pack shirts
    • Pack undershirts
    • Pack underwear
    • Pack socks
    • Pack shoes
    • Pack jacket
    • Pack sandals
    • Pack shorts
    • Pack belts
    • Pack a wearing-around hat 7
    • Pack swim trunks
    • Pack a sun hat
    • Pack a sun shirt
    • Pack gaffers tape 8
    • Pack water bottle
    • Download podcasts and meditations 9
    • Pack dopp kit 10
      • $20 bill
      • Brush/comb
      • Hair gel
      • Deodorant
      • Bottle of shampoo
      • Bar of soap
      • Razor
      • Shaving cream
      • Toothbrush
      • Toothpaste
      • Floss
      • Lip balm
      • Nail clippers
      • Sewing kit
      • Safety pins
      • Curtain clips 11
      • Eye lotion
      • Meds and vitamins
      • Q-tips
      • Eye drops
      • Gold Bond powder 12
    • Pack first aid kit
      • Band-aids
      • Blister bandages 13
      • Ibuprofen
      • Melatonin 14
      • Allergy meds
      • Indigestion medicine

    Night before travel

    • Put passport card in bag
    • Put backup credit card in bag 15
    • Set wake-up alarm
    • Charge laptop
    • Charge iPhone
    • Charge iPad
    • Charge Apple Watch
    • Charge AirPods
    • Charge Switch
    • Remove TSA-unfriendly stuff from bag 16
    • Pack USB battery
    • Pack passport book in suitcase 15
    • Pack handkerchief
    • Pack food bar
    • Pack AirPods
    • Pack Switch
    • Pack magazine for plane 4
    • Pack boarding passes
    • Pack sunglasses
    • Pack journal

    Day of travel

    • Wear my Apple Watch
    • Turn on Fog of World 17
    • Set the thermostat to vacation mode 18
    • Pack laptop charger
    • Pack iPhone charging cable
    • Pack iPad charging cable
    • Pack Apple Watch charging cable
    • Pack USB charger’s charging cable
    • Pack AirPods charging cable
    • Pack multi-device charger
    • Pack laptop
    • Pack iPhone
    • Pack iPad
    • Pack pillow
    • Buy airport stickers 19

    The day before return

    • Check in to return flight

    The day of return

    • Buy airport stickers
    • Set the thermostat to normal mode
    • Put away passports
    • Update the travel template 20

    After return

    • Submit travel reimbursement request 21
    • Look for travel reimbursement check 22

    1. This seems obvious but I always forget. ↩︎

    2. If you don’t do this, your bank may see transactions from an unusual location and freeze your debit or credit card. ↩︎

    3. I’ve never regretted having walking around money while traveling. ↩︎

    4. If I didn’t have something to read on a flight, I’d lose my mind. ↩︎ ↩︎

    5. Yes, the Thai curry native-extra-hot is delicious. Do you really want to be trapped in a plane while your stomach tries to digest it? ↩︎

    6. I take a plug-in charging block and a portable USB battery. If my phone is running low in the middle of a long flight, I can still charge it with the battery. ↩︎

    7. It’s vacation. I want to throw on a hat to step out for coffee or breakfast. ↩︎

    8. Ideal for covering obnoxiously bright power LEDs in hotel rooms, blocking light under the door, etc. ↩︎

    9. If it’s too bumpy to read, it’s nice to have something fun or relaxing to listen to. ↩︎

    10. See “Building the Perfect Dopp Kit”. ↩︎

    11. Hotel curtains never seem to close all the way. Bend them to your will. ↩︎

    12. Ever been rained on, had to walk around a lot in wet pants, and gotten chafed from it? Yeah, me neither. ↩︎

    13. “Ow, these new shoes are killing my feet and I’m walking way more than usual.” ↩︎

    14. Jet lag. Strange hotel. Travel excitement. These add up to difficulty sleeping. ↩︎

    15. Carry at least 2 forms of ID and 2 forms of payment in 2 separate places. If 1 set gets stolen, you still have the other to get home. ↩︎ ↩︎

    16. I have a tiny multi-tool in my EDC bag, and I don’t want the TSA to confiscate it. ↩︎

    17. This is a fun little app that records everywhere you’ve been. ↩︎

    18. Save money not heating or cooling your house as much while you’re away from it. ↩︎

    19. I collect them for my carryon suitcase. This is in here twice in case I have a different layover on the way home. ↩︎

    20. I take notes of things I wish I’d done or packed. When I get home I immediately update the list so that I won’t forget next time. ↩︎

    21. Do it while you still have all the receipts in one place. ↩︎

    22. Once the office has reimbursed me, the trip is officially done. ↩︎