
    What HIPAA's Privacy Rule Says

    As someone who deals with HIPAA’s privacy compliance as part of my job, I don’t ever want to hear the word HIPAA again from someone who isn’t adjacent to healthcare. Almost no one understands what it is, but a hundred million people are explaining their wrong ideas of it to each other in a giant game of telephone.

    Here’s a short summary of HIPAA’s Privacy Rule, as described by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services:

    Who it applies to: a healthcare provider such as a doctor or hospital, health plans, their business associates, and other people who manage patients’ healthcare information.

    What it does: limit the information a covered entity can share about their patients to fulfill specific medical and business requirements.

    What it doesn’t do: apply to anyone else except those covered entities; prevent you from sharing your own information; prevent others from asking you about your health, including vaccination status.

    Anyone who says that doesn’t allow you to ask whether they’ve been vaccinated, or prevents them from answering, is factually wrong.

    Antivaxxers not owed a soapbox

    In a new post in Science Translational Medicine’s “In the Pipeline” blog, Derek Lowe announced that he’s tired of antivaxxer spam:

    But – and you know where this is going – there have also been several commentators here who have for some time been abusing this site’s hospitality. I have mentioned to these people that they don’t have to be here, that starting constant wrangling arguments about vaccines, pandemic statistics, etc. in the comments section does not have to be a regular feature of their day. No one’s taken the hint.

    He then gets to the crux of it:

    Do what you like but don’t do it here. You are free to contribute your thoughts on other topics if you honestly have something to add or some question to ask, but any sign of attempted pandemic flaming will be deleted as quickly as I see it. Go away and tell everyone that Big Pharma muzzled you, if that makes you feel better. But in the end, you’re already going to be the last people standing after the vaccines wipe the rest of us out, right? Isn’t that enough?

    I think this is the right take. It’s not censorship: no one is telling antivaxxers or other conspiracy nuts that they can’t say dumb things. It’s just that Lowe doesn’t feel obligated to give them a platform to spread their idiocy.